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If you need help importing a car and registering it in Andorra, we will be happy to help you.


Our company can help you choose a car, advise on the possible risks and procedures for the purchase, delivery, customs clearance, homologation, car registration.


We can do everything from the selection and approval of a car to its registration in Andorra in your name or the name of your company, for example. Or we can perform several stages of work, for example, only delivery or only registration of a car.


Using the example of buying a car from Germany, we will describe how this happens.


First you have to choose the car you are interested in, this can be done on many sites. If you like the car, we will contact the seller and discuss the actual availability of the car for purchase, the technical condition, the possibility of a VAT refund (in whole or in part), which export documents the seller draws up and which the buyer should draw up, as well as some other issues depending on situations.


Secondly, we will receive registration and technical documentation from the seller in order to determine the possibility of registering a car in Andorra and look at the history of the car.


Further, if everything is fine, we will agree on the procedure for paying the first part and the total cost and agree on a possible date of arrival in Germany.


After all this, we can go to Germany, receive and check all the documents from the seller, complete the technical control, insurance, customs, etc. procedures.


After the car has passed customs clearance, received transit numbers and civil liability insurance (as well as a registration certificate), we can deliver the car to Andorra.


Upon arrival in Andorra, we deal with the customs clearance of the car, VAT refund (if provided), insurance, technical control, obtaining license plates and registration certificates.


After the car receives the registration certificate and license plates of Andorra, you must sign a liability insurance contract with the insurance company and, finally, you can use the car.

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